Emergency Management Associates
Freedomizer Blogtalk Radio Show
Freedomizer Blogtalk Radio Network
Internet Radio Showtimes
Monday 11:00 am 2:00 pm MDT
Tuesday 11:00 am 2:00 pm MDT
Friday 11:00 am 2:00 pm MDT
Emergency Management Associates
Nightly Broadcast on YouTube
Monday through Sunday 9 pm MDT unless otherwise noted.
EMA will go live on YouTube during Local, Regional, National or International Emergency situations and will stay live until the situation has abated, or lives are no longer in peril, bringing you the latest news as events warrants.
Emergency Management Associates also broadcasts Emergency Preparedness Broadcasts from time to time talking about Emergency Preparedness topics from forums and seminars that we have conducted. Soon these broadcasts will be on Controlled Access.
If you desire to have access to these videos, they will become available on a Subscriber Basis.
Contact us using the submission form via the contact page on this website and will explain how you can access these preparedness programs.
We have appeared on several YouTube Podcast Shows in the past and look forward to many other associations with other creators/program originators in the future.
We also have interviewed many other personalities on our show and look forward to continuing to bring forward the latest Emergency Preparedness news when it is available/breaking.
If you are interested in appearing on either our YouTube Show, or on our Radio show, please fill out the form you will find on our site, and we will be happy to speak to you about your appearance on our show.
Speaking Engagements:
We have spoken to many different venues, and have conducted Preparedness Forums and Seminars throughout the United States.
If this interests you, and you would like us to speak to your group or organization on any Emergency Preparedness topic, please fill out the form on the contact page, and we will return your call at our earliest convenience.
Please let us know what kind of group/organization that you have, Where it is located, The topic you want us to address, the approximate dates that you would like us to appear. We will contact you to make those arrangements.
Speakers fees, and logistics fees apply. Please ask us for that information. *
We do have black out dates, so please plan ahead and make the arrangemenst as soon as you can so we can make arrangements to speak to your group.
We do look forward to speaking with you. *
We have participated in Emergency/Disaster Drills throughout the United States. If you would like our services to either help you plan, organize and conduct a drill. We will be happy to speak about this with you as well.
If you would like us to participate with you and help over see your drill, we can also arrange this with you. Please let us know all pertinent details.*
*Logistical and other fees must be paid up front.